Monday, May 14, 2007

The Weekend

I spent the weekend in Birmingham again. It’s quite nice up there you know – lots of interesting attractions, lots of people to keep you entertained, and one particular person who manages to be both an attraction and to entertain me all at once. I shall be in Birmingham more often in future :-)

So I was up there to see the certain someone, to go to a birthday party (for which I forgot the present – must remember to post it sometime) and to meet someone else for lunch (I’m developing quite a circle of annual lunch dates – really must get better at meeting up with these people). In between all that managed to watch Eurovision (I wonder who they’ll vote for – oh Quelle Surprise. For an account of the entries... take a look at troubled diva's post), some of the Grand Prix (well, dozed through it whilst making confused comments) and went to a cheesy Christian Musical (where I was asked, of all things, what would happen if a terrorist bomb bit a sewage works).

So i'm not sure what to blog about. Sorry.

I also saw a marmite tanker on the motorway. I've never seen a marmite tanker before :-)

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