Friday, May 18, 2007


That is the noise that my necklace made as it fell off my neck and landed on my desk, narrowly missing my mug. This is unusual as i have a reputation for spilling my drinks, and dropping things in them, so I would expect the necklace to land in the mug. It's unfortunately fairly common for me to have to ask for reprints of my drawings because they're covered in water - the guys have got used to it now.

It might help if I had a tidy desk, but somehow that doesn't seem to be a way that I can work. I know where everything is and what it's for, but no one else does. But I'm going on leave so I'm sticking post-it notes on everything and putting it on other people's desks. I know it'll all be back on my desk by the time I get back but that doesn't change the feeling right now.

Must remember to take it to the parents for mending - pliers and a soldering iron should do the trick. That's the necklace, not the mug, and definitely not the desk.

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