Wednesday, May 09, 2007


They let me have a saw. It had a curved blade and I ‘may’ have pretended it was a pirate sword once or twice. I didn’t chop down a whole tree though, just a little bit of one, but it was fun. The fact that I cut my finger while putting the sheath back on the saw was unfortunate, and did seem to worry some of the family. Whereas I was trying to decide what sort of bleed it was – I decided on arterial.

This weekend was the Gardening weekend when the whole family (or perhaps more accurately, those in the country at the time) descend on Gran’s house and ‘do’ the garden. This year there were 8 of us, and about 50 manhours later we’d finished the list. Gran kept saying I should try being constructive and plant stuff instead of just weeding and cutting branches off trees. She evidently doesn’t know me that well. Admittedly mum’s comment was fair. Whilst I weeded out long grasses that were in seed she said something along the lines of ‘it would make more sense if you took your hayfever tablet before doing that’.

The other thing that marked the weekend was the interrogation from both Mum and Gran. Starting with ‘So what’s his name’ and moving onto ‘So it’s not just lust then’. And people wonder why I’m turned out as I have. I blame the parents. :-D

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