Sunday, April 29, 2007

Old Children's TV

Last night people came round to our house to watch DVDs. We watched Morph, then some Fraggle Rock, followed by Dangermouse before finally moving onto Button Moon.

Oh yes, we projected them all onto a large screen in the living room . It was great. Thanks to Gemma for providing the Fraggle Rock DVD, the rest are all mine :-D

Unfortunately Suz informed us last night that Sharkey and George has not been released on DVD yet, and worse there are currently no plans to do so! So we all just had to eat lots of chocolate ice cream instead. There is a petition for that though... (for Sharkey and George DVDs, not the ice cream).

Oh I'm a simple child. :-)

Problem being that now I would far rather watch more dangermouse than go and help lead a confirmation session. I'm not sure how I'd explain that to the other leaders...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think I would rather watch Dangermouse than lead my church's confirmation session too. Although I have no Dangermouse, so there is only doing the confirmation thingy for me. :(