Friday, March 23, 2007

So today is Friday ?

Last night on my way home I had a minor panic – I was sure it was Friday, and that meant I’d forgotten to interview someone, and more to the point reception hadn’t called me to remind me when said interviewee arrived. Not generally the best impression to give of the company.

It took a good couple of miles before I realised that it was actually Thursday and therefore I hadn’t forgotten to do anything (ok, so that’s a debatable point – there’s always something I’ve forgotten to do). I got home in a bit of a state and decided the best reaction to this whole panic involved hiding in my bed, in the hope that it would all make itself better and go away. I got up briefly to cook and eat Pizza before going back to bed.

When my alarm went this morning it was proved that the world was still in the wrong as it is apparently Friday. Again.

This wouldn’t be such a problem if I hadn’t also spent most of Tuesday being convinced it was Friday. The rest of the office was apparently much amused by my expressive comment of ‘Tuesday? What? Is that all?’

Surely it can’t be right to have three Fridays in a week?


Anonymous said...

Tuesday WAS Friday this week. Catergorically. I'm certain. I even had a whole conversation with W in which I explained that tomorrow didn't exist (meaning it wasn't a work day) and it was only hours later I realised I'd been wrong and he must have been more confused by me than normal. I apologised this morning, and he said it was OK, he had just decided it was easier to go along with me!

Mary said...

So we both have Friday issues. That's reassuring as it means that it really is the rest of the world that is mad. It's not just us. It can't just be us after all we're both completely normal people....

Bang goes that argument ;-)

Anonymous said...

It's only possible to have three Fridays in the week if they're followed by three Saturdays. Throw in a Sunday for good measure, and the working week is now MUCH improved. Don't you think?