Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I spent this weekend at SoulNet. It's a retreat for youth leaders/workers/ministers.

It's not designed to be a training thing - it's an opportunity to meet with God in a bit of time without worrying about whether the kids are 'getting it' this time or, as is more likely, actually throwing things at each other.
It's a time to praise God and let other people worry about whether there are enough donuts. As always it was a refreshing reminder that God actually is there in the midst of it all.

It was also fun to get away with some of the other leaders. However, when you put a group of leaders together in one chalet you realise quite quickly that the craziness that you thought was actually down to the kids is actually more to do with the leaders...

But then everyone looks for Elves in forests don't they? Particularly ones that ride two headed lions? Surrounded by pheasants in hats that look like ducks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Mary, of course they do...