Friday, September 02, 2005

So lets see… Life.

I seem to be back at work. But it’s been an eventful week.

Wednesday – hysterical tiredness

Thursday – travel to Greenbelt, collecting Alice on the way. For some reason pillows seem to be the most important thing to be packed. As it turns out, this was at the expense of silly little things like pyjamas.

Friday – Still at Greenbelt. Meet the rest of the ticket office team. They’re crazy. Sounds of Salvation play Ska mass at 0015 on stage 2. They rock. They seem to be well received, and I make it all the way through the event without bursting into tears. This is a great achievement. Well, it is for me.

Saturday – Sounds of salvation play again at 0915. Drag myself out of bed to go again. Alice doesn’t bother. She spends most of the day asleep. Apparently this is the point of holidays. This doesn’t stop her pointing out that I can sleep more than she can. Particularly at Christmas. I’d like to point out for the record that I was doing night shifts that year – give over!

Sunday/Monday/Tuesday – Still at Greenbelt. Chilling. Saw some call bands. I recommend ‘one nation’ live. They were awesome. I don’t recommend Jazz Jamaica, although Alice liked them. Motown songs in a Jazz style with just too many instruments. Not my cup of tea. Speaking of tea, genius idea to have the main stage projected on screen above the tiny tea tent, so that you can sit in the sun on the grass with a cup of tea and listen to music…. Bliss…. Discover that holiday seems to suit me. Maybe I should try it more often. Actually feel relaxed and not shattered. This can’t be normal.

Almost forgot the Organic Ale tent. A new concept to Greenbelt, but a great place to sit and catch up with people. Which, if I’m honest, is mostly what I spent spare time at greenbelt doing. It’s great going as a worker, because you haven’t paid you don’t feel the need to rush about and see stuff. So you can just potter. :-)

Wednesday (back home) – Optician points out that I’m not going blind and I have hair cut off. These two items are not really related. Honest. Optician is going to give me a new contact lens. Apparently I should be able to read text on screens. I thought it was normal until Alice pointed out that Greenbelt wouldn’t have a massive screen with text on it if no-one could read it. It’d be a bit of a waste of resource… ho hum.

Thursday - back to work. Urgh. Feels like a Monday. Two day weeks are the way forward however.

Friday – Still at work. Apparently all future leave is cancelled. So much for that theory. And the process engineers have changed the design again. I wouldn’t mind, but they’ve done one of those fundamental U-turns again. Lets get the most explosive chemicals we can find and put them near people. Yes, that sounds like a great plan. Never trust chemical engineers – I’ve had bad experiences with them since that project in third year uni…

1 comment:

PH said...

No, I didn't enjoy that project either. But then, that was mostly my fault.