Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I decided that instead of nibbling on chocolate at work, I’d do the whole fruit and veg thing. It’s good for me.

But is it really good for me? It’s greeny coloured. It’s stringy. And it’s dull. Dull dull dull dull dull dull.

Therefore, in an attempt to right this wrong, I have a suggestion for any supermarkets out there that want to increase their sales of celery.

Chocolate covered celery.


Calorie wise you could make it balance out I’m sure, after all celery is supposed to be good from that point of view. Taste wise it’s got to be more sensible that chocolate covered carrot – I mean really…. Who’d suggest something as silly as that.

And last but not least, it would save me from the fact that having got so bored of celery today I’m going to end up buying chocolate at lunch time anyway. Chocolate covered celery would pre-empt that.


Patent pending.


PH said...

Where you're going wrong is the celery. Celery is dull.

You want fruit.

Like pineapple. Take a pineapple to work for your lunch.

PH said...

Chocolate money...?