Sunday, October 24, 2004

life goes on?

How is it that when something bad happens for the right reasons, even for your own reasons it still hurts? When you can be almost sure that if it happened any other way it would be worse..?

I guess it's not really a new concept. Bad things happen. It's not often they happen and you actually get some kind of a say about what those things are and what they mean. Generally they happen to you. And there's no way you can influnce it. It's literally in the hands of the Gods (as it were)

So why is it that you can be upset by something that you are sure is the right thing. If you're pretty sure that the good outcome in the end (feels like that'll be years away) will be worth the pain at the moment?

The positive side is that I have a friend who knows precisely what it feels like to go through a painful time in the hope/knowledge that it will be for the best in the end.

And I can't believe that I've just compared spliting up with Nick to Jesus' crucifiction...!

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