Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Worship Style

I've found a quiz that helps you to determine your worship style. Not because this is especially important, but because it might make you think a bit about worship and how you prefer to do it.

I found it through the Rejesus blog, but the direct link is here

Apparently I prefer to worship God by caring for others, which, to be fair, does fit with everything else in my life, so it's probably about right. Not sure about the things that come second and third as they both imply I'd prefer silent meditation and worship, which doesn't entirely sit right with my normal preferences.

It seems to be more of a character assessment than a worship style assessment, but maybe that's the point - worship is part of everyday things after all :-)

Thought provoking at the least.

Caregiver - Loving God by Loving Others:
Caregivers serve God by serving others. They often claim to see Christ in the poor and needy, and their faith is built up by interacting with other people. Caring for others recharges a caregiver's batteries.

Contemplative - Loving God through Adoration:
These Christians seek to love God with the purest, deepest, and brightest love imaginable. They want nothing more than some privacy and quiet to gaze upon the face of their heavenly Lover and give all of themselves to God.

Ascetic - Loving God in Solitude and Simplicity:
Ascetics want nothing more than to be left alone in prayer. Let there be nothing to distract them--no pictures, no loud music--and leave them alone to pray in silence and simplicity.


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