Monday, August 06, 2007

Dead flies.

On Thursday I went to see a friend in Oxford. She’s finally re-entered the world of sociable people, and as a result I didn’t have to be sympathetic about dead flies at all. This is good, because I’ve never really found the right words to express my true feelings on that matter. She did make me look at her thesis, and I proved, again, that I just don’t have the right vocabulary for the topic. But what a lovely front cover the document has. Beautiful.

We spent most of the day telling each other how wonderful our other halves are, and occasionally even also listening to each other. We may also have been shopping.

Incidentally, apparently Alice’s new bloke reads this blog occasionally. So I’d like to express my condolences on two points:
1. The content of this blog is hardly intellectual or, for the most part, intelligent.
2. Just general condolences/sympathies for coping with Alice. There were lots of reasons for that which were evident Thursday, but just now I can’t remember what any of them are. The principle still stands though.

Still, it was good to catch up with Alice. It also turns out that she is moving in the opposite direction to me. Just when we’d managed to live within shouting distance for a while. I’ve decided to take it personally.

Oh yes, the Birmingham move is now happening, which probably means that I need to get organised - you know, find somewhere to live, sort out all my junk (bet you didn’t know I had a Chinese boat).


Anonymous said...

Does it go to places other than China?

AL said...

you forgot banoffee pie and muffins!

tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Well if Alice ever actually updated her own blog I wouldn't have to surf her links and read other peoples'.

Or at least that's my excuse, and any accusations that it's just pure unadulterated noseyparkeriedness will of course be vigorously disputed in the highest courts of law available to me.

As for coping with Alice, well it's not so bad. You just have to be just as extreme back. And when that fails I have this little cheeky wink thing I do, which works a treat. ;-)

And of course I always draw a little strength from the idea that however hard things may be, I will never have to be the one who explains at a party that my job involves dismembering maggots.

Actually the thesis is well worth a look if only for the recipe section at the back, which has some very tempting soup ideas.