Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bathroom fitting epidemic

Everywhere I go at the moment someone is sure to say ‘I’m redoing the bathroom at the moment’ or, as a variation on the theme, there are a few people redoing their kitchens. It’s right across the board, both friends and colleagues. It’s getting to the point where I can occasionally make intelligent sounding comments about them, which is a little worrying.

So, is it me? Am I somehow subtly affecting the people around me and making them want to redo their bathrooms?

And if that’s the case, is there any way that I can change this effect into something of more practical use to me. Instead or ‘redo bathroom’ it could be ‘give Mary chocolate’ or perhaps ‘give Mary a hug’ or even more useful ‘stop Mary volunteering for things’. Although I've been trying to talk myself into that last one for years - it never quite seems to happen...

It's 4 New bathrooms & 2 new kitchens at last count.


Anonymous said...

It's not just you - everyone I know is at it too - including the ones you don't know!
Bec x

Mary said...

I beginning to wonder if I'm missing out on something...