Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bleugh, I want to go home. Oh, I am home.

The above are the important and wise words uttered by yours truly when I got home last night. It's fair to say that my housemate was very much amused by the statement.

However, it does sum up things at the moment- I'm not quite sure if I'm coming or going!

Went up to Brum recently and caught up with the old Cathsoc committee. It was 2000 that we were in power, although I'm not so sure power is the right word. There are many other words that seem more appropriate. It's weird seeing where we've ended up - two auditors, an engineer and a PhD student. Sounds like it should be a responsible group till you put us all in one place. Ho hum. Was good to see them all anyway.

Also met up with more people down in Reading last weekend in the pub.

When we got home we later spent an inordinate amount of time at home trying to determine how many teeth we should all have. There's something very amusing about watching people try to count their own teeth. Following some research we determined that you should have 32, including wisdoms. Which means that I do have wisdom teeth - I just never noticed them coming through. Which means I am wise and grown up. Which I'm sure you all know anyway...


Anonymous said...


Is there such a thing as a wise engineer?

PH said...

In that case I have 28. What with having 2 wisdom teeth and 2 other molars pulled out. Though my other 2 wisdom teeth haven't come through so I have 26 that I actually use.

Though you might knock a bit off for the bits I knocked off at university.

It was icy, I say. Icy.

The verification word is pbbhknfc. Worst game of Countdown ever.