Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Well that's that for another year

Once again I appear to have survived the excesses of Christmas and am back at work (And I'm very pleased to be here. Honest.).

Where is the full stop meant to go when using brackets? The above looks very wrong.

I spent much of my two week break catching up with people, eating chocolate and occasionally even exercising. Unfortunately the ratio between chocolate eating and exercise was a tad unbalanced. This means that I'm going to have to do some more of this exercise thing for a good while to come.

So do I have and new years resolutions? No. I'm too lazy to come up with any. I'd never stick to them anyway.

Here is an interesting article on the BBC. For all those who have ever wondered how wet you get in the rain. An ever important query.


Anonymous said...

Full stop is INSIDE brackets if whole sentence is within brackets. So your final stop is superfluous.


Anonymous said...

But was the whole sentence in brackets? I thought the 'and...' was a continuation of the previous sentence, with a mistaken capital. In which case I'd have tended to put one inside and one outside the brackets.

And if I start a sentence then finish it with a bit in brackets, I put the full stop outside - is that right?

Please enlighten me Mum. :o)

PH said...

How did I know all the comments would be about the grammar?

Personally, I would have gone for:

and am back at work (and I'm very pleased to be here, honest).

Teehee, the word verification almost says "donkey" - "dofhfkey". That sentence was in no way linked to my main comment above (honest).

Mary said...

I am determined to get the hang of grammar. I suspect that there is no excuse for not being able to write correctly, however I do have a disadvantage – I wasn’t taught any of this at school!

I think that I am improving, but I am sure that I’ll be proved wrong.

How hard can it be?