Monday, January 16, 2006


ok. so I've not updated in a while. I've not been able to think of anything that really seems that interesting to report to the whole world. I've been to the cinema, done red cross, been to YouthNet... Lots of stuff that I've enjoyed doing but somehow nothing that is that exciting to write about.

I seem to be trying to do so many things at once at the moment, and they’re all so important. But I’m spending so much time trying to balance them all I just don’t seem to have time to get my priorities straight. What is most important; Work, Red Cross, YouthNet, Church? Which sets of friends do I see? Why can’t it just be simple?

But if it was simple then I’d complain that I was bored.

I guess the problem is that I just don’t seem to have time to listen . Every time I try something comes up. God tells me to spend time with him and I try but have you ever tried praying about what you should be doing whilst in the midst of it? It absolutely does not work - there’s just no time to listen. Although having said that he is showing me more and more of the beauty of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eucharist at the moment which can only be a good thing. That helps me to at least stay more or less grounded.

It’s just hard to be happy being grounded in life when you really just want to fly.

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