Friday, October 28, 2005

Would I like to go to Birmingham?

They want me to go help out at a career fair at Birmingham university. Do I know where the great hall is? Umm? Lets see now ;-)

It’s the careers fair where I first came across MWH and essentially why I applied to work here. Talk about returning to your roots!


Anonymous said...

Careers fairs are FAB. And you get to go around and pinch all the freebies from the other stall in the interest of 'market research'. Because you really need that bar of fairtrade chocolate/scribble on mug/etch a sketch/etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

The question was probably rhetorical, but if not, then to get to the Great Hall, then just go to South Birmingham and you will soon see this clock from far away.

Walk to the clock, and when you get there, you will see this building.

Go in the building and keep walking forward and you will see it.

AL said...

surely a pint at old joe's or whatever it's called now will help bring all the memories back?
and didn't we talk about this a couple of days ago?

Anonymous said...

I don't want the memories back. Thankyou, very much...

PH said...

Surely it can't be the exact same careers fair?

And even if you somehow could travel through time, wouldn't that be rather dangerous? Travelling back to somewhere you knew your past self would be?

*misses point entirely*