Thursday, November 16, 2006

Long time no post

I got asked yesterday what exciting things I've been doing recently.

I'm not sure I've done anything exciting and I can't decide if that's good or bad -I do things because I like doing them, and some things I do because God tells me to do them whether I like it or not. But they're not exciting things. They're just every day things. Aren't they? Should I be excited about them? They never seem to sound exciting when I try and talk about them!

I'm getting paranoid!

The only thing I could think of in response to the question was 'I managed to make my finger bleed on a polystryrene toggle in aquafit'. Not just anyone can do that. And it supercededs my housemates injury with a mechanical pencil last week which, until now, was the most ridiculous injury we'd managed.

it may not be exciting, but it continues to be random. Ho hum. Here's hoping that I manage to work out what I'm doing sometime soon!

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