Thursday, March 09, 2006

so why wouldn't Jesus be hit by a bus...?

What would happen if Jesus comes again and lands in the middle of the road. Why wouldn’t he get hit by a car?

One of the kids was praying that Jesus didn’t come again as he thinks it will just cause war as all the Jews will get left behind. He doesn’t think he’s good enough to go to Heaven so he doesn’t want to find out just yet. And does Hell really exist anyway?

There’s a tendency to answer those questions with a ‘don’t be silly; it won’t happen like that’. But to be honest, they’re valid questions and I wasn’t really sure how to address them. I don’t see that there is any reason to not be apprehensive about the second coming. It is an unknown. How can we possibly know what will happen? If we trust God then we know that it will all be ok, but my experience is that even knowing that it’ll work out doesn’t make the process a whole lot of fun. God’s idea of a good thing tends to be quite similar to very hard work as far as I’m concerned.

I admit I’m no expert on this – I figure I’ll work it out when it happens – but what do you say to a kid who is curious and for whom this is a really big problem without sounding patronising?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Jesus says somthing about being prepped to drop all because the time around his return will be a bit unsettled. And this is a first century Jew talking....eek!