Wednesday, March 29, 2006

No, just no..

There is an article on the BBC today about people being buried with their mobile phones. More worryingly, people now apparenlty sometimes want to be cremated with them.

The concept of being scared that you'll be buried alive is fair enough where burials must happen quickly, but cremating a phone is just bizarre.

Whether you're religious or not you surely can't believe that having a phone amoungst your ashes is going to help you in some way? And how do people get so attached to their phones that they even consider it?

There's more to life!

Get thee down the pub and talk to people face to face!


Anonymous said...

I think the mistaken belief is that if you wake up and it's a bit on the toasty sign, you'll be able to phone for help.

You'll be long gone by that stage, I'm afraid, it's not a case of gradually getting warmer, rather 'wham, bam, toasted'.

They probably remove them anyway. They have to remove heart pacemakers as they tend to explode at high heat...

In days gone by, it was possible to be buried with a string in your coffin leading out to a bell above, just in case...

Anonymous said...

You're right, ferijen - the can't burn batteries (or bottles or anything like that) - when we are toasted, we have to be safe (they look in through a peep hole to make sure it's going OK - blowing up batteries is a disaster - and environmentally friendly - for the emissions regulations.

Maybe it's more like the days of the pharoahs - somehow thinking that taking a possession with you will keep you safer on the other side...

PH said...

Or so you can phone home to let them know you arrived safely...

Anonymous said...
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