Saturday, July 09, 2005


So it's happened. We've had a terorist attack. On Thursday morning several bombs went off in London. On Thursday Lunchtime the emergency reponse matter slid into operation. And on Thursday afternoon lots of Red cross personnal sat around at Branch waiting and hoping that we wouldn't been needed. Front line vehicles were put on standby and moved closer in to London. The rest of us went in to support people getting off trains coming out of London.

It's fair to say that a lot of good was done, and the plans seemed to work. I say seemed to because our lcoal branch staff aren't that good at communicating with their volunteer staff.. I shouldn't be suprised. Most communications get to us, the volunteers, about a month after they've topped being relevant.

I don't mind sitting around not doing anything. In the Red cross that's always a good thing. However, I do have problems with being taken for granted, and not kept informed. If they're going to call us in then they should make the effort to tell us what's going on. Even if it's just "We're not sure, we're talking to so and so and should have a better idea in a hour..." It's only common courtesy isn't it?

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