Monday, April 18, 2005

Feeling lightheaded

"There’s something different about you today"
"You’re looking a bit different"
"Have you had your hair cut?"

The observational skills in this office are impressive, as, yes, I have had my hair cut. It’s about 3 to 4 inches shorter than it was on Friday. I’d anticipated comment, but not office wide discussion… The secretary has been heard to comment that she likes it so that’s ok. I can breath easy now. She’s not said it to my face though… (is that good or bad?)

The comments about maybe it’s the reason why I’m asleep this morning is a little more disturbing, (Like Sampson I apparently lost my strength along with my hair) and serve to demonstrate the randomness of the people in this office and their state of boredom at present.

Unfortunately, the theory that if they didn’t recognise me they couldn’t give me any nasty work to do has been proved wrong. Ah well, better luck next time…

1 comment:

Mary said...

My office manager just came running up to me. Vidal Sasson. It must have been vidal sasson you went to.

So now I know that he has nothing to do with pay reviews.