Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Good days bad days

I’m in a complete whirlwind at the moment. So much is going on. Some good stuff, some bad. It’s all too confusing…! I’ve just been told that I’m defiantly staying put up here at Terriers in my new role so that’s good. My new phone is connected. And the car is all in one piece.

However, Gran’s in hospital, The commute in the dark is hideous. There’s just no two ways about it. Driving in the dark is just painful on the eyes not to mention tiring., and as a result my prayer life is in tatters.

On Sunday someone described how life can be like a whirlwind of too many things happening at once. But it doesn’t matter what is going on around you if your foundations are strong and you are standing on the rock that is the word of God. It’s an interesting image. After all, nothing in the whirlwind has really hit me or done serious lasting damage so far. So there’s some protection somewhere. Am I really in the eye of the storm looking out and seeing chaos without appreciating all that God is actually doing for me in the calm eye of the storm.

After all, There’s a lot of good about, and he’s doing his best to make me see him around the place. Mainly that seems to be by pushing me so far that I almost break and have to admit that I can’t do it alone. After all, who can really survive the strong winds of a whirlwind once they’re caught up in them? The legal term for such events is translated as ‘the hand of God’. There’s a memorial in Reading for a man who was caught up in a whirlwind at Reading Station and died. It’s fascinated me since I was tiny.

Maybe what I’m trying to say is that whirlwinds can happen anywhere at any time. Even in the most unexpected of times and places. But there is no need to be scared of them, if you remember what the important things are – God!
The wise man built his house upon the rock….. :-)

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