Wednesday, August 25, 2004

How did it come to this?

How did I accidently become a professional engineer? I thought for a while that I'd accidently fallen into this job, but it looks more and more like it wasn't accident at all. Someone up there had this planned and I'm significantly better off than most of my friends in terms of my job.

Sat in the pub last night, we were chatting about jobs, prime numbers, nude statues, and various pubs in Birmingham (which later became a rather cliquey conversation between two of us.. have you ever been to the Selly Park Tavern.. oh you must... just ask for Chrissy...). ANd if you've never sat in a pub reciting prime numbers then you really haven't lived. or something. Maybe. :-/

Amidst all that it became increasingly obvious that I really really really shouldn't complain about my job. It's not nearly as booring as most people have to put up with. And it's a lot better paid than Sainsbury's.

So, positive thought for this morning. This job is not so bad. It's significantly better than a lot of things, and anything I've ever done before. So therefore I'm goign to try to stop complaining about it. I said I'd TRY so that doesn't mean that it's the lst you'll hear on this subject! :-)

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