This weekend I went up to Birmingham. By train. Now, trains are great. However, the complete chaos of knowing when and how you're going to get to your destination does allow for a certain amount of unexpected excitement in a journey. And that's putting it nicely.
Got up to Brum and pottered along to the pub where I was meeting a mate for lunch. It was closed. Felt like a student all over again as I pottered around Selly Oak with a Rucksack and then sat outside the pub waiting for it to open. At this point a different mate turned in to the pub to turn the car round, enabling me to organise myself into another pub trip later in the day. Really felt like I was back at uni . Although, of course, I did more than socialise in the pub at uni (I also worked in the pub).
I organised my weekend around food, so Saturday was pub lunch with Andy, and Balti with Dave and loads of others in the evening and Sunday was roast dinner at Newman House. On each occasion it was great to socialise with people and actually chat about how things are with them. I suppose it's inevitable that it's easier to meet up with people in Brum when I have no other responsibilities or demands on my time than it is at home, but it is a little frustrating. Need to get my priorities straight.
Newman House was great too. Mass at Newman is one of those things that never fails to inspire. Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about organising anything there these days! Had an interesting sermon too, which I actually managed to remember (which is unusual for me - I just don't learn from being talked at. I take in pretty much nothing at all.). It was all about how after his conversion Paul was so enthusiastic that churches he visited desperately tries to get rid of him. It was an image that is very easy to identify with, and gave me some interesting things to ponder about being overenthusiastic and trying to do too much.
Lunch at Newman is always good for a laugh too, and the discussion over lunch pretty much sums up the gathering. We chatted about married priests, female priests, condoms, captain pugwash, apples, alcohol, cathsoc, how to cook potatoes, Bach (the profane works), abortion, how to find and use the Catholic Catechism (which was only got out once, along with the Canon Law) where the cables in the building go, and if anyone knew where the milk had gone. I really miss the kind of randomness that Newman house has always had. There aren't that many places where you can meet complete strangers along with old friends and have that kind of variety of conversation!